Du dimanche au jeudi (8:45 - 15:30)
Du jeudi au dimanche (8:45 - 15:30)
Banque de Développement LocalBanque de Développement LocalBanque de Développement Local
Finance Islamique
Banque de Développement LocalBanque de Développement LocalBanque de Développement Local


Business Accounts

Dinar current account

Current accounts are open to traders or industrialists, the liberal professions, commercial or industrial companies, for the purposes of their activities.

It is a current account which, in addition to deposit and withdrawal transactions from a cheque account, can possibly record bank credit transactions.

INR account

The non-resident internal account is opened for any Foreign Company having concluded a contract with an Algerian Promoter.

Currency account

foreign currency account for legal person, allows companies to deposit sums of money in foreign currency (Euro, Dollar), through payments, transfers from account to account and transfers from abroad. The currency account works with a single currency.

CEDAC Account “Foreign Account in Convertible Dinars”:

Foreign accounts in convertible Algerian dinars are opened in the name of legal persons of foreign nationality.