What is it ?

The Mourabaha Investissement is a medium and long-term financing intended for companies and professionals for the creation, extension or renewal of the investment, and this through the acquisition of materials, equipment and other means of production in with a view to reselling them to the customer at a cost price increased by a profit margin known and agreed in advance.

The Mourabaha investment operation is carried out within the framework of a line of financing granted beforehand by the bank.

Category  concerned :

Company (any natural or legal person);

Funded amount :

Financing of the development of the means of production (Creation, extension or renewal).

Related products:

Current account ;

Validity of the financing line:

The validity period of a financing line is one (01) year.

Profit margin:

The profit rate applicable to the Mourabaha Investment formula is 6.5%.

Amount of  mourabaha investment :

The amount depends on the cost of the investment, the borrowing and repayment capacity of the financed company.

Reimbursement period:

The reimbursement period varies between 02 and 07 years maximum.


The Mourabaha investment is a medium-term financing line, intended to finance operations for the acquisition of the means of production in favor of companies and professionals, within the framework of the creation, extension or renewal of the investment. It generally includes:
1. Equipment and production lines;
2. Transport equipment.
The bank first buys the equipment and legally owns it, then it re-sells it to the customer for a known and agreed profit margin.

The reimbursement period is determined in line with the project or investment being financed.
1. Profit Rate: 6.50%
2. File management fees: 0.00 DA
3. Notification fees: 0.00 DA
4. Penalty on advance payment: 0.00 DA (possibility of discount on the remaining profit in the case of total payment)
The amount depends on the cost of the investment, the borrowing and repayment capacity of the financed company, the future income (cash-flows) generated by the investment project.
The guarantees relating to Mourabaha Investment / Businesses and Professionals, which you can present to the bank are:
1. Mortgage of real estate;
2. Material collateral “if the object is material”;
3. The vehicle pledge “if the object is rolling stock”;
4. The joint surety of the partners;
5. The surety of a solvent third party;
6. Membership of the institutional guarantee fund (CGCI – FGAR);
7. Insurance (pending the launch of Takaful).
The administrative and legal documents, below:
1. Application for financing duly signed and stamped by the person authorized to contract financing in the company;
2. Minutes of the AGEX authorizing the manager to contract bank financing and alienate the company's assets if this provision is not mentioned in the company's articles of association;
3. Certified copy of the articles of association;
4. Certified copy of the trade register;
5. Certified copy of the official bulletin of legal announcements (BOAL);
6. Certificate of deposit of corporate accounts;
7. Certified true copy of the deed or rental lease of the premises for professional use (deed of ownership, deed of sale, land booklet or other).
The accounting and financial documents, below :
1. Copy of the last three financial statements and annexes duly stamped by the tax administration (The tax stamp must appear on all the pages constituting the balance sheet);
2. An accounting statement duly sealed by the auditor;
3. The auditor's report for the last financial year of capital companies (SARL, SPA);
4. An opening balance sheet for start-ups;
5. Investment financing plan spread out by quarter for the financial year to be financed; Action plan and financing distributed annually throughout the duration of the financing,
6. Statements of customer receivables detailed by age;
7. Recent status of receivables;
8. Import license for Import/Export companies;
9. Certificate of professional qualification for construction companies;
10. Workload plan for BTPH companies duly signed and stamped by the customer (The workload plan must be accompanied by the following documents:
- A fact sheet per market;
- Market ODS;
- Situation of recent work not yet cashed;
- Copy of contracts (Contract + Amendments).
11. Form "Authorization to consult the central risk office duly signed by the manager or the legal representative of the company».
The fiscal and parafiscal documents, below:
1. Recent tax and parafiscal documents in less than three months (Notice of assessment/CNAS/CASNOS/CACOBATPH);
2. Certified copy of tax registration card.
In addition to the aforementioned documents, it is necessary to send:
1. A detailed technical and economic study;
2. Information on the manager, CV, qualification and professional experience in the field invested;
3. Recent pro forma-invoices (Less than three months old);
4. Each heading included in the client's investment structures must be justified in advance by invoices or estimates;
5. Estimated and quantitative estimate of the work carried out and remaining to be carried out;
6. Building permit (For activities requiring this document;
7. Approval and/or any other document authorizing the client to carry out the planned activity;
8. ANDI Decision (For companies benefiting from the advantages granted by ANDI).
What are the conditions for granting Mourabaha Investment / Companies and Professionals?
The Bank may require any conditions guaranteeing the use of the financing to the strict operating expenses.